Thursday, January 24, 2008

Beyond ThunderDOME

Several of my highly dedicated readers have been wondering lately where I've been and what I've been up to.

First: Really, it is none of your business. If I don't want to post for two months, there's not really all that much you can do to make me. It's my favorite part about the interwebs -- you're not the boss of me.

Second: I can't believe you were still coming back to read this. I know that work days can get boring, but really. Find a charity. Count freckles. Go green. And THEN come back and see what I've done. Don't ever stop doing that.

Anyway, in response to the requests for where I've been, I have been working on a couple other projects. Because I am just that good at multi-tasking. One just recently launched. It's an sketch comedy web series called The Fourth Floor. Check it out -- If you've had a recent aneurysm, it's likely you'll find some of it funny.

Additionally, I've been doing this:

a.k.a. looking like a bobble head. But watch and laugh. Amy/Eliza -- they're both geniuses.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

he's baaaaaaaaaaacccccccccccckkkkkkk...